Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A bit of history

I didn't really start out trying to make what this ended up as. There wasn't supposed to be a grid and I had intended on using physics more. I like the grid stuff I think so thats really gonna stay, and I intend on adding more that deals with physics as well but thats a later thing and it was probably a bad idea to keep physics maybe (then again maybe not)

One of the key things that kept me on track was focusing on implementing something similar to something that already exists. Could I have finished the game and so on if I hadn't done that? Probably, but most likely I would have gone off into AI and other hard stuff that is cool, but takes too long

I'll probably be trying to implement some cool AI later on that should be able to do some advanced tactics (like you could set goals for it and such instead of it all just being baked in. But right now the 50 lines of code is fine. Hopefully if it takes off I'll get to work on that.

I think that Wesnoth the game really inspired me with its simple game and 2d graphics but really pretty great AI and gameplay.

This isn't the first attempt at doing something similar. I tried doing a similar thing using c++ and xml but it turns out its nicer to write in static c++ than dynamic xml and I was trying to genercify things too much. Ultimately though my main problem was that I built an art intensive game and had no artists. It was based off of Gunnerkrig Court and my art skills were sadly lacking (but I did at one point have a voice actor.

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